Salmon Spectacular Volunteers
1m 24s
The Owen Sound Salmon Spectacular has over $175,000 in prizes. With entertainment each afternoon, night and 2 gigantic fish fries, ladies’ afternoon, senior’s afternoon, kid’s day, breakfast with Santa, and kids fishing pond educating people with birds of prey demonstrations, reptilian demonstrations and endangered species all ages enjoy the 10 day festival.
The biggest festival in the Georgian Bay area we celebrate the last 2 weeks of the summer coming to an end with fishing, family and tonnes of fun. It takes a lot of engineering to erect the gigantic Tent 300 feet long by 100 feet wide. We have 50 volunteers and 4 tractors to complete this task. We have well over 260 businesses in the Owen Sound and surrounding area participating over the 10 day event. The economic impact for Owen Sound area is overwhelming and brings in 2.8 million dollars in our community for the 10 day event. The small community of 21000 people balloons with an additional 58,000 people to enjoy the event. Come out and celebrate and educate yourself with the Owen Sound Salmon Spectacular Festival. Support the fund raising efforts for the many conservation programs we complete each year.